Ad Testing: Chocolat Frey 2024 Spot 'Chocolate without the frills' Featuring Rowan Atkinson

Explore Chocolat Freys' 'Chocolate without the frills' 2024 Spot. Discover its impact and appeal across demographics.

Explore Chocolat Freys' 'Ohne Trallala' Spot - deeptrue

In this article, we explore viewer reactions and the overall impact of Chocolat Frey's latest TV campaign, 'Chocolat ohne Trallala' ('Chocolate without the frills') which stars Sir Rowan Atkinson.

The ad humorously follows Atkinson as he tries - unsuccessfully - to enhance a Frey chocolate bar, only to concede that it's already perfect. This playful campaign, which promotes Frey's message of simplicity, has been rolled out across various channels, including TV, digital, and social media.

Our analysis dives into key metrics such as emotional engagement, originality, relevance, and purchase intent, highlighting variations across different demographic segments.

The ad: Cocolat Freys’ 'Chocolate without the frills'

In Frey's latest TV spot, Sir Rowan Atkinson, best known as Mr. Bean, takes center stage in a whimsical attempt to improve an already perfect chocolate bar. Dressed in a chef's outfit, Atkinson humorously experiments with over-the-top methods to enhance the Frey chocolate - cracking his fingers, performing exaggerated gestures, and employing absurd tricks. Each effort fails, leading him to the realization that the chocolate needs no improvement. With a clever nod to simplicity, the ad wraps up with the tagline 'Chocolat ohne Trallala' ('Chocolate without the frills') driving home the message that Frey's chocolate is flawless just the way it is.

Research Methodology

We start our analysis by outlining the methodology, which involved deeptrue's Advertising Test. This structured online survey targeted Swiss residents aged 16 to 74, ensuring a balanced representation of both genders and different age groups. With 300 participants in total, the survey results provide a well-rounded perspective on how the 'Chocolat ohne Trallala' campaign was received by its audience.

Ad Testing Results from Survey


The overall likability of Chocolat Frey's 'Chocolat ohne Trallala' spot, featuring Rowan Atkinson, was notably positive, with 85% of respondents expressing favorable opinions. This strong response indicates the ad resonated well with the target audience, particularly driven by the humor and Atkinson's performance.

Likability - deeptrue

Female viewers responded especially well, with 88% indicating they liked the commercial, compared to 81% of male viewers. Younger audiences, especially those aged 16-29, also rated it highly, with 87% enjoying the spot, compared to 81% of the 50-74 age group.

These strong likability scores demonstrate the ad’s broad appeal, particularly among women and younger viewers.

Open-Ended Responses on Likability:

  • Humor: Many respondents highlighted the humor of the ad, with comments such as "It was funny" and "Mr. Bean makes it funny." The use of humor was a major driver of the ad's success, with 46% of respondents mentioning amusement as their primary emotional response.
  • Actor/Cast: The inclusion of Rowan Atkinson, well-known for his Mr. Bean character, was a key element in the ad's positive reception. Comments like "Mr. Bean always works well" and "I love that Rowan Atkinson is in it" underscored how his presence enhanced the ad's appeal.
  • Originality/Creativity: The ad was praised for its originality, with respondents describing it as "unique" and "creative." The simple concept of Atkinson humorously attempting to improve the chocolate bar resonated well.
  • Product Appeal: Many viewers were also drawn to the product itself, appreciating how the chocolate was showcased. Responses like "It makes me crave chocolate" and "The chocolate looks really good" highlighted the ad’s effectiveness in generating interest in the product.
  • Entertainment Value: The ad was frequently described as "entertaining" and "engaging," with viewers finding it enjoyable to watch. The humor and simplicity contributed to making the spot fun and memorable.

Emotional Response

The emotional response to the spot was highly positive, with many viewers feeling "cool" (46%), "laughter" (46%), and "happy" (42%). These emotions are crucial for building an impactful advertisement, highlighting the strong connection between the ad's content and viewer engagement. Rowan Atkinson's comedic portrayal, coupled with the light-hearted storyline of a chocolate that needs no improvement, was a major factor in evoking these emotions. Additionally, feelings of surprise (35%) and peacefulness (26%) further enhanced the ad's emotional appeal. The positive emotional feedback not only shows that the ad resonated with viewers but also suggests it successfully captured their attention, helping to reinforce brand recognition and recall.

Emotional Reaction - deeptrue


An impressive 80% of respondents found Chocolat Frey's spot to be unique and different from other advertisements they had seen. This distinctiveness can be largely attributed to the ad's creative concept, which humorously showcases Rowan Atkinson attempting to improve a chocolate that needs no improvement. The ad's ability to stand out in a crowded advertising landscape helped make it more memorable for viewers.

Uniqueness - deeptrue

Notably, respondents aged 30-49 rated the ad as unique at an even higher rate, with 89% finding it different from typical ads, reflecting its strong appeal to this demographic. The combination of humor, a beloved actor, and a fresh storyline contributed to the ad’s effectiveness in capturing attention and distinguishing itself from more conventional campaigns.

Uniqueness by age - deeptrue


The relevance of Chocolat Frey's spot was well received, with 63% of respondents finding the ad relevant to them.

Relevance - deeptrue

The relevance was particularly strong among viewers aged 30-49, with 74% rating the ad as relevant, indicating that this demographic resonated most with the messaging.

Relevance by age - deeptrue

Male respondents also found the ad slightly more relevant than female respondents, with 67% of men compared to 59% of women stating that the ad was relevant.

Relevance by gender - deeptrue

These results suggest that while the ad connects well across a broad audience, its appeal is particularly strong among middle-aged viewers and male respondents.

Purchase Intention

The purchase intention for the spot is quite promising, with 59% of respondents indicating they are likely to buy the product after watching the ad.

Purchase Intention - deeptrue

Males showed a slightly higher likelihood of purchasing, with 60% stating they would buy the product, compared to 58% of female respondents.

Purchase Intention by gender - deeptrue

Purchase intention was particularly strong among the 30-49 age group, with 74% expressing they would likely purchase, compared to 56% of those aged 16-29 and 52% of the 50-74 age group.

Purchase Intention by age - deeptrue

These results highlight the ad’s effectiveness in driving purchase intent, especially among middle-aged viewers.

Clarity and Message Transfer

The clarity of the message in the spot was highly effective, with 85% of respondents stating that the message "the chocolate needs no extras, it’s perfect in its simplicity" was clear.

Clarity of message - deeptrue

This strong clarity was consistent across demographics, with 85% of male viewers and 84% of female viewers understanding the message well.

Clarity of message by gender - deeptrue

Age-wise, respondents aged 30-49 rated the clarity the highest, with 91% finding the message clear, followed by the 16-29 age group at 86%, and the 50-74 age group at 80%.

Clarity of message by age - deeptrue

These results demonstrate that the ad effectively communicated its core message across all major demographic segments, ensuring that Frey's emphasis on simplicity resonated well with the audience. The high clarity ratings highlight the ad's success in delivering a concise and memorable message.

Brand Fit

The brand fit of Chocolat Frey's spot was highly regarded, with 83% of respondents finding the ad suitable for their impressions of the brand.

Brand Fit - deeptrue

Female respondents rated the brand fit particularly well, with 87% saying the ad aligned with their perception of Frey, compared to 78% of males.

Brand Fit by gender - deeptrue

In terms of age groups, the 30-49 demographic rated the ad's suitability the highest, with 89% finding it appropriate for the brand, followed by the 16-29 age group at 84%, and the 50-74 group at 77%.

Brand Fit by age - deeptrue

These results demonstrate that the ad successfully resonates across various demographics, effectively reinforcing Frey's brand identity and making a strong positive impression on its audience.

Brand Impact

The brand impact of Chocolat Frey's spot is largely positive, with 64% of respondents indicating that the ad improved their perception of the brand.

Brand Impact - deeptrue

This positive shift was equally strong among male and female viewers, with 64% from both groups reporting a favorable change. Age-wise, the ad had the most significant positive impact on the 16-29 age group, where 75% felt more positively about Frey after viewing the ad. The 30-49 age group followed with 66%, while the 50-74 group had a lower positive response at 55%.

These findings suggest that the ad successfully enhances the brand's image across various demographics, particularly resonating with younger viewers. The overall positive brand impact underscores the ad's effectiveness in reinforcing and improving consumer perceptions of Chocolat Frey.


Overall, the TV spot for Chocolat Frey was a success, particularly in terms of humor and clarity of messaging. The campaign effectively utilized Rowan Atkinson's comedic persona to deliver the message of simplicity and quality. The ad’s light-hearted, humorous tone captured the attention of most viewers, particularly younger demographics, making it an effective tool in building brand affinity.

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Andreas Logk - deeptrue

Andreas Logk

CEO & Co-Founder

Andreas Logk is a standout talent in market research, merging his deep understanding of psychology with a knack for uncovering insights that matter.

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