Ad Testing: ZOA TV Spot 'Get a Taste of Big Dwayne Energy’

Explore ZOA's 'Get a Taste of Big Dwayne Energy' campaign featuring Dwayne Johnson. Discover its impact on confidence and appeal across demographics.

Explore ZOA's 'Get a Taste of Big Dwayne Energy' campaign - deeptrue

In this Article, we researched ZOA TV Spot 'Get a Taste of Big Dwayne Energy’ Featuring Dwayne Johnson, Song by Latto.

The recent ZOA advertising campaign featuring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson centers on the concept of "Big Dwayne Energy", aiming to communicate thebrand's message in an engaging and humorous manner. Launched in February 2024, the campaign spans TV, online, out-of-home, and social media advertisements. “Big Dwayne Energy” represents confidence without arrogance, a positive aura that attracts others, and the energy to tackle any task - qualities embodied by both the ZOA brand and Dwayne Johnson himself.

The commercials feature individuals from various walks of life channeling their own"Big Dwayne Energy" in different scenarios, aided by ZOA Energy.Developed by Haygarth USA, the campaign also includes a long-form content pieceand is supported by a broad range of marketing efforts, including digital advertising, outdoor advertising, paid social media, and various activations throughout the year. These include a partnership with the UFL, influencer programs, social contests, seasonal promotions, and experiential pop-up moments​​.

This article dives into the detailed results of our ad testing, focusing on key aspects like emotional response, uniqueness, relevance, and purchase intention, with a spotlight on differences across age groups.

The ad: ZOA’s 'Get a Taste of Big Dwayne Energy'

In the ZOA commercial, the narrative unfolds around two central figures facing their everyday challenges: a man participating in an aerial class and a work-from-home mom stretched thin by her responsibilities. As each takes a sip of ZOA, a dramatic transformation occurs - they morph into Dwayne Johnson himself, embodying his iconic strength, confidence, and charismatic "BigDwayne Energy." This new found persona enables them to tackle their tasks with remarkable ease and flair, channeling the essence of The Rock's indomitable spirit.

Research Methodology

Our analysis kicks off with a detailed look at the methodology, incorporating deeptrue's Advertising Test: a meticulously designed online survey aimed at internet-savvy individuals aged 16 to 49 throughout the USA. Featuring a balanced gender and age distribution and a sample size of 300 respondents, the study's findings provide representative insights into the advertisement's reception.

Ad Testing Results from Survey


The likability of the Zoa TV spot was a significant contributor to its overall effectiveness, with a majority of respondents expressing a positive reception. The likability scores were impressively high, signaling that the ad struck the right chord with its intended audience.

Likability - deeptrue

Open-Ended Responses on Likability:

  • Humor and Entertainment: A large number of respondents were drawn to the ad's humor and entertainment value. Descriptions such as "funny", "hilarious", and mentions of enjoying Dwayne Johnson's costume underscore the ad's success inleveraging humor to engage viewers. This aligns with the emotional response data, where laughter and happiness were prominently reported.
  • Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: The celebrity endorsement by Dwayne Johnson significantly contributed to the ad's likability. Respondents specifically appreciated his presence, highlighting the value of celebrity endorsements in advertising. Johnson's appeal crosses various demographic segments, further amplifying the ad's reachand impact.
  • The Product - ZOA Energy Drink: The product itself, especially its zero sugar attribute and the conceptof "Big Dwayne Energy," was highlighted as a likeable aspect of the ad. This indicates effective product positioning and the importance of clear, attractive product features in advertising.
  • Visual Appeal and Music: The ad's visual aesthetics and soundtrack were also frequently mentioned in the context of likeability. The vibrant colors, cinematography, and the choice of music enhanced the overall appeal of the ad, making it more memorable and enjoyable to the audience.
  • Nostalgia and Creativity: Some responses touched on the ad's nostalgic feel and creative execution. These elements likely contributed to the ad's uniqueness and relevance, resonating well with the target audience's preferences and expectations.

Emotional Response

The emotional resonance of the Zoa TV spot was overwhelmingly positive, with the highest percentages of respondents reporting feelings of happiness (53%), coolness (42%), laughter (41%), and excitement (38%). These emotions are crucial for memorable advertising and suggest a strong connection between the ad's content and positive viewer engagement.

Emotional Reaction - deeptrue


A significant 83% of participants found the ad to be unique and different from others they had seen, highlighting the effectiveness of combining Dwayne Johnson's star power with a catchy soundtrack and creative visual elements. The ad's distinctiveness is a vital attribute in a cluttered media environment.

Uniqueness - deeptrue


The relevance of the ad to the target audience presents an interesting divide, with 73% finding it relevant.

Relevance - deeptrue

Notably, relevance scores dipped among the youngest age group (16-19 years), suggesting that while the ad resonates well across most age segments, it might need adjustments to better appeal to younger viewers.

Relevance by age - deeptrue

Purchase Intention

The data revealed that 64% of viewers were positively inclined toward purchasing ZOA following the ad, a strong indicator of the campaign's effectiveness in driving commercial interest.

Purchase Intention - deeptrue

However, the age breakdown shows that younger viewers (16-19 years) were less likely to be influenced, which could be an area for strategic refinement.

Purchase Intention by age - deeptrue

Clarity and Message Transfer

The message "With ZOA, I don't have to give up the pleasure and energizing effect of an energy drink." was received with high clarity among the surveyed demographic. According to the data, 85% of the total respondents found this message clear, which indicates that the ad successfully communicated the dual benefit of ZOA - enjoying the drink's taste while gaining energy.

Clarity of message - deeptrue

Diving into gender-specific data, both male and female respondents showed a strong understanding of the message, with 86% of males and 83% of females finding it clear. This nearly uniform clarity across genders suggests that the message resonated well with the entire target market.

However, there were notable age group differences. Respondents in the 20-29 year age bracket reported the highest clarity at 91%,which may indicate that the message particularly resonated with this age group or that their preferences closely align with the advertised benefits of ZOA. In contrast, the 16-19 year age group reported significantly lower clarity at 65%, with a notable 24% unsure or did not know, and 12% finding the message not clear. This suggests that the messaging may not be as effectively tailored to the youngest demographic, potentially due to differing lifestyle priorities or consumption habits.

Clarity of message by age - deeptrue

Overall, the ad's message that ZOA can provide both pleasure and energy without compromise was well-received, though there is an opportunity to improve clarity among the younger audience to ensure the messaging is hitting the mark across all intended demographic segments.

Brand Fit

The measure of how well an ad fits with the audience's existing impressions of the brand is a vital determinant of its success. According to the data, a majority of the audience felt that the ZOA TV spot was well-suited to their impressions of the ZOA brand, with the total score for brand fit standing at 79%. This suggests that the ad's creative approach, messaging, and the product's portrayal are in harmony with the brand's perceived identity and consumer expectations.

Brand Fit - deeptrue

Gender breakdown reveals an equal perception of brand fit, with both male and female audiences reporting an 80% fit. However, the age group data presents a slightly varied picture; the 30-39 year age bracket reported the highest congruence with brand fit at 83%, while the 16-29 age bracket showed a marginally lower score of 77%.

Brand Fit by age - deeptrue

The relatively lower score among the youngest demographic might indicate that the message or creative execution resonates less with this group or that their pre-existing brand perceptions are not as well established, potentially making them more critical or discerning of the brand's messaging. The lower brand fit score may also reflect a disconnect between the ad's content and the values or lifestyle of the younger audience.

To address this, ZOA might consider strategies that involve more direct engagement with younger consumers to better understand and incorporate their preferences and values into the brand narrative. This could involve more targeted market research, social media interaction, or even involving younger influencers who resonate with this demographic to strengthen the brand's appeal and fit among this crucial consumer segment.

Brand Impact

The influence of the ad on the audience's feelings about the ZOA brand is another critical aspect of advertising effectiveness. The overall positive impact score is substantial, with 74% of respondents indicating a more positive feeling towards the ZOA brand after viewing the ad. This positive shift is essential for the brand as it can translate into higher brand loyalty and advocacy.

Brand Impact - deeptrue

The age-related data suggests that the ad had the most substantial positive impact on the 20-29 year age group, aligning with their reported clarity on key messaging. Meanwhile, the 16-19 year group, while still largely positive, showed the lowest increase in positive feelings at 65%. This age group's unique preferences and media consumption behaviors may require a tailored approach to maximize the ad's impact.

Age Group Differences

Diving deeper into age-related differences, thedata suggests nuanced variations in ad reception. Younger viewers (16-19 years) showed less engagement in terms of relevance, purchase intention, and emotional response, especially in terms of feeling the ad was relevant or likely to change their purchase behavior. This indicates a potential misalignment with the interests or media consumption habits of this age group, underscoring the need for tailored messaging or media placement strategies to enhance engagement among younger consumers.


ZOA Energy's 2024 campaign stands out for its emotional appeal, uniqueness, and effectiveness in driving interest among its target demographic. However, the insights gleaned from ad testing underscore the importance of nuanced message clarity and the need to address specific audience segments, particularly younger viewers. As brands strive to make a lasting impression in the competitive landscape of advertising, the lessons from ZOA's campaign emphasize the delicate balance between entertainment and informative content, celebrity influence, and product focus.

In the realm of advertising, continuous testing and refinement are key. ZOA's 2024 TV spot offers valuable lessons on leveraging celebrity power while highlighting the critical role of clear, targeted messaging in resonating with diverse audience segments. As ZOA moves forward, addressing these insights can pave the way for even more impactful campaigns in the future.

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Andreas Logk - deeptrue

Andreas Logk

CEO & Co-Founder

Andreas Logk is a standout talent in market research, merging his deep understanding of psychology with a knack for uncovering insights that matter.

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